Monday, August 25, 2008

Gathering with friends

Few weeks ago, I went to a place called Paradise near my house. It is a place with nice atmosphere... But my friends and I felt kinda hot when we sitting at the corner place. Maybe It because of there is no air conditioning at the place and only few fans around the place. Their food seen like no so interesting too... I still think it is a great hang out place before going there... Haha~
This is the flower on our table. I shot it with my baby~

Maybe the place is not so important because the most important is those people who come out with us. All is my friends I know long time ago and I didn't meet some of them for a long time. I wish to spend more time to hang out with them since we can't meet them so often. They are great friends for me such as this guy...
His name is Kaiser Kiok and I know him since 4 or 5 years old. That is almost 19/20 years of friendship... He is a great friend for me which always support me and I feel comfortable to hang out with him. I can't really meet him frequently cause he only back to Kajang once a month or maybe longer. Hope he is fine at there too. Dude, must keep contact! Hihi~
There are 10 people came out that day... Quite many for me cause I don't hang out with such big groups of people every time I go out. Have to say sorry for those not in the photo cause I only take few photos at the place. Hope can go out more with you all...

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